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Utilitarian Analysis

Utilitarian Analysis

Q How could a utilitarian analysis be used to justify the action of, in essence, reserving plane flying for the rich in the name of helping the environment?

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The utilitarian approach to the ethics suggests the need of calculating the consequences in a proper manner. Utilitarianism clearly determines the right activities from the wrong by strictly focusing on the outcomes or results (Conway & Gawronski, 2013, p.216). The provided case scenario shows that the air is polluted because of a large crowd who use airplanes as a mode of transportation. There should be some kind of limitation for using airplane as a transportation medium (Brusseau 2012, p. 668). It is not ethical to allow only the rich people of the society to afford airplane by increasing the air price. On the other hand, there is a need of lowering the passengers for airplane. Otherwise, the pollution level cannot be reduced.